Thursday, 22 August 2013

The Final Fling

Our last week in this beautiful country.....

The last of our "mountain" challenges - Spartleton at Whiteadder Reservoir.

As ever, well worth the climb to 468m.
The view from the top - over 100 wind turbines.

The castle at Lindisfarne.

It's goodbye from us - in the pub for our last evening out!

And now the long journey home.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Reston near Eyemouth

     Our final base in the Scottish Borders has introduced some very different scenery with meandering rivers, rolling farmland and a stunning coastline providing some glorious walking.

 We can hardly believe that there is only a week of our adventure left.
We intend to make the most of it!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Blair Atholl

After leaving Carrbridge we called in to see Caroline Wilson (now Stickels),
an old Ashford Hockey Club friend.

Stayed overnight at The Ship Inn in sunny Stonehaven.

Coastal walk to Dunnottar Castle.

On to Blair Atholl - unfortunately not staying at the castle!

Walk up Glen Tilt in The Atholl Estate.

Ben-y-Vrackie  2757 feet - a two hour slog!

Worth the effort. The views were stunning.

We all made it this time!

Went to the Blair Atholl Highland Fair and were welcomed
by The Atholl Junior Pipe Band.

Volunteers were invited and Florence could not resist the temptation
 to demonstrate her gymnastic skills.

Not to be outdone, the other three had a go!

Robbie Burns turned to stone when approached in The Birks of Aberfeldy.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

A Week in Carr-Bridge

A week of wonderful weather and varied activity

A gentle stroll through The Glenlivet Estate

A route march down General Wade's Military Road (the troops need more square bashing) 

A quick, hard, fast game of Shinty

Hide and Seek - spot the girls in the Braes of Abernethy

Followed by a refreshing swim

A handwriting lesson at The Highland Folk Museum - dipping pens and blotters at the ready

A leisurely wander along the banks of the River Spey

and a fly fishing lesson

A difficult decision on footwear

Finally - bungee jumping from the packhorse bridge in Carr-Bridge.

Goodbye, farewell, adieu!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Now in The Cairngorms

Yes Cyril is with us now the weather has improved.

Two hours walking in the sun to Slaggan Bay. Some of us decided to cool off.

Oh my word, are our eyes deceiving us?

Oh no....

Oh yes!!!

The locals were not amused so they decided to leave.

Visited the Osprey Centre at Loch Garten.
Female on tree to right and two chicks in the nest on the left.

The Cairngorms.
On advice we went on a guided walk with the Head Ranger to benefit from his knowledge of the flora and fauna.

A short break before tackling the ridge you can see above us.

Still going up.

Views from the top at 1125m.

On the way down. Six hours of walking but what a sense of achievement.

Next day recovering. Waiting at the station before taking a steam train journey.